Take a look at my home away from home......
Here is what it looked like prior to the painting, moving, etc.
The yellow wall and dark purple wall were painted. I painted the yellow wall a coral color and the dark purple wall I just lightened up with a lighter color purple.
The yellow wall and dark purple wall were painted. I painted the yellow wall a coral color and the dark purple wall I just lightened up with a lighter color purple.
This is a look from my classroom door.

My desk area is really messy. Please excuse the mess.
Behind my desk you will find this cute little area. I love how the hula hoop tied with ribbon turned out. I keep all my teacher resources on the tall green bookshelf.
Calendar board and Busy Birds Board that was repurposed. I bought this from my hairdresser. I know a little weird right??? However, she and I love to repurpose things and she had this and well let's just say I begged/bartered for it. Don't you love friends who enjoy the same things you do??
I really wanted to set up a cozy reading area. I still would like to purchase a few more pillows, but I think it turned out pretty cute. My mom had the old deacons bench that I just painted and added the polka dots to. I also made the cute pillow to match. The bench had been in storage from when I previously taught third grade. The rocking chair was the one I had in my K room, I just spray painted it. :) Curtains on the shelf came from a thrift store we like to frequent. The curtains were actually shower curtains that I cut up to make them fit my counters in my classroom. I think I got a set of two shower curtains for $1.98!! SCORE!!! Needless to say, I took the serger to them and wahla you have curtains. Simple and functional. Excuse the pooch in the picture, she likes to go to school. She should be a very smart dog as much as she has gone to school this summer.
This is the bulletin board behind my small group table. I divided the board into two sections and made two focus walls.
The Dream print came from my sweet friend, Kristi, who gave it to me last year after reading on my blog that I wanted to add it to my classroom decor. Thank you my sweet BFF.

Reading Focus Wall
Blue and red pocket charts came from Target in the dollar section. The reading text evidence posters came from a free download off Pinterest (not sure where). I made the prove it letters by watching a Periscope that Ashley from Schroeder Shenanigans did. The reading and math banners were made from burlap pennants bought from Hobby Lobby. I painted them and then added the letters
from Wal-Mart.
This is the math side of the board. I bought this from Amy Lemons at Step into Second Grade. I plan on letting my students make each person when we talk about the math function.

Word Wall-I got the letters from Erica Bohrer's TPT store several years ago. I think I have used them in every classroom I have been in within the last 5 years. I got the idea of adding the students names from Amy Lemon-Step Into Second Grade. She did a Periscope on making locker tags. I don't have lockers in my classroom so I just made them as an addition to my word wall.

This is my center shelf. I house all my centers on this shelf (Math and Word Work).
These are my Daily 5 book bins. These are actually ice bins from Dollar General. They were like $1 each.
I got this AR idea from Step Into Second Grade-Amy Lemons. She used these AR point trackers posters. I just added 12x12 scrapbook paper to the back.
This idea came from Pinterest. I saw where someone had a VIP table. I thought how cool would it be to have a VIP desk for girl/boy. So I created a camouflage boy desk and a polka dot girl desk. The tables were old ones I had in my garage. Mom and I covered each table in fabric and made a table skirt. The boy table skirt is made from burlap. The girl table skirt has just plain broadcloth. Then we added embellishments to the top. So far the students have loved it and it has really been an incentive for positive behavior.
This is my computer area. We are very blessed in my school system with technology. I have 2 laptops and one desktop student computer.
This beauty was created by my sweet mom. This filing cabinet was like old, I mean really old. I wanted to do something with it. Mom suggested we cover it with this super cute contact paper. I think she did a fabulous job. I purchased the contact paper from Amazon.
Super Improver Wall -Whole Brain Teaching....I am a firm believer and lover of Whole Brain teaching. It truly WORKS!!!!
This is where my students will file their graded work. They will take these folders home once a week with all their graded papers tucked away nice and neat inside.
I downloaded these birthday balloon tags from a free download on Pinterest. I attached them to straws.
And there you have it. I hope you have a fabulous week. I can't wait to share some of the activities we completed on the first week of school!
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