My K classroom
You can find many of the items you see in my classroom on my TPT store!!
My 3rd grade classroom
And here’s where it all goes down. A little classroom tour. My room isn’t huge by any stretch of the means, so defining lots of work spaces was really important, especially with a large class. When I first set up my room last year, I couldn’t have anticipated how it would work. I mean, I only had 36 hours to get a room together (last minute transfer back to 2nd grade). And I needed it to change! Now I’m LOVING it and I think it’s a lot better for the kids.

New curtains that a friends mother in law made me!!!! Fabric is from Hobby Lobby!

Soccer ball chair is from a yard sale!

Excuse my mess. I need a fairy to clean this up!

Reading Table

The room from my desk.

The room from the windows.

Behavior Door-Idea came from Pinterest. It is pizza pans that I spray painted and use magnets with each students numbers on them.

This is a computer table my dad made. I love it. It fits perfectly and has wheels, so it can be rolled anywhere. LOVE!

The look from the door

Our rug meeting area!

Whole Brain Teaching Rules-I can't remember where I got them. SORRY!

As you come in the door, I have a shelf with all our community supplies. We share our supplies. I hate pencil boxes.
You can find the pencil poster {HERE} and the Writing BB set{HERE}! I used fabric from Hobby Lobby on all of my boards :)
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