We have been super busy in K. We completed the 100th day of school. I thought I would share some pics with you of how it all went down.
Were my cuties not so cute dressed up as "100 year old" people?
We also made this 100 gumball creation. Thanks to Cara Carroll at The First Grade Parade.
My kiddos loved counting their 100 items that they brought from home. Some were very creative with what they brought too!!
We also made our 100 year old portraits. They turned out great! They did a great job and really used their imagination and creativity.
We also made crowns that we decorated and blinged up a bit. We wore them to lunch. Super cute!
We also created a chart of " I wish I had 100."
I have finally finished my classroom book bin and book labels.

I have been working on these forever. I started before my recent foot surgery and with all the set backs (AKA flu), it has taken me forever to finish them. I am so excited to load these. Check them out in my TPT store-HERE. This label set contains everything you need to label the books in your classroom library: large bin labels, small bin labels, and coordinating book labels. I have left white ones, in case you would like to save your color ink. LOL! There are also colored ones for those people like me, who buy ink like literally every week anyway. UGH!!!! I plan to use these next year in my classroom library. I am going to begin trying to organize my library that is still stuffed in my garage due to the last minute move this school year for my husband and I. Read more about that-HERE. I am trying to become more organized but I tell you it has been an uphill battle this year. Can I get an AMEN? I feel so disorganized. I am loving K more than I ever thought I would and really to be honest can't believe the school year is half gone. I don't even want to think about May. I dread it---like really, really dread it. These babies have come so far!!!!!
Hope you are all gearing up for Groundhog's Day, Valentine's Day, and President's Day!!! Wow! I am not ready!!!! :(
Have a great week!
Blessings and Roll Tide,