Sunday, September 14, 2014

Behavior Calendars--SALE!!!

Who is ready for fall????? ME!!!!!! I love fall!! Mainly because that means it is time for FOOTBALL!!!! I love to watch the TIDE ROLL!! I have been busily working in my room trying to keep my head above water. Moving grades and schools can rock a "wanna be" organized gal's world. Just saying! LOL! I am still looking for and finding things that I lost in the move to my new school. Slowly I will locate my MIA items. One of the items I lost was my behavior calendars I have used for years. Guess that mean I just needed new ones!!!

I have created behavior calendars for October-July. A behavior calendar provides great communication between you and parents about behavior. It allows you to share the action the child took without having to write a note to the parent. I also add my colors that correlate with my behavior clip chart so that the parents can see what color their child was on that particular day. It gives students ownership of their behavior when they are the ones coloring the calendar instead of you. I am placing these on sale for this week!!! Go get them now--because everyone loves a SALE! I hope you find these helpful. 


Friday, September 12, 2014

Lacey Walker the Nonstop Talker Craftivity

We are in week five of kindergarten and I am loving it more every single day!!! Now are there days I am about to pull my hair at the end of the day...of course. However, this is the most rewarding grade I've ever taught. 

We have really been working on rules and routines and we read the book Lacey Walker the Nonstop Talker. 

We talked about being a good listener. I got the activity idea 

I created the anchor chart with sticky notes that will help me be able to reuse it next year. :) We brainstormed ways to be a good listener.  We did a little teacher directed activity where the kids got to put together a little sentence and create their own little Lacey Walkers created from construction paper and old scrapbook paper.  It was tough having to listen to and follow directions…  The labels at the top are the students names. I print them off and use them on several crafts at the beginning of the year when the students can't quite write their names yet. I also got this idea from Cara Carroll at The First Grade Parade.

Whew!  It’s definitely been a BUSY week and I.AM.WIPED. 
Hope y’all are having a GREAT week!!!